When is a Dandy not a British Comic………….

When is a Dandy not a British Comic………….

…..when everyone wants my opinion on it.  I am too young to remember the comic and obviously too young for when Dandies came to notice in the 19th Century for their individual and often eye catching manner of dressing, but in the last 2 weeks I have given 3 interviews on this subject, so therefore it must be flavour of the month. With the popularity of Downton Abbey there seems to be a resurgence in interest in classic British clothing. The Dandy was started by Middle Class men trying to give an air of aristocracy in Victorian times and now there are a number of people trying to revive these times, and not always with great success!

I have been asked for my definition of a Dandy and I have called it how I see it, so I am ready for people to disagree. I think a Dandy does not necessarily follow fashion but they explore the boundaries with colour and fabric combinations, but it is not just about being outrageous. It can be thought provoking and eye catching but there must be a thought process behind it. I have been asked if I consider myself a Dandy, and before these interviews, I had never really thought about it. I think the way I dress has evolved over the years as I have always been surrounded by bespoke tailoring. My father, John Hitchcock, always wore a Bespoke Suit, and still does, throughout the working week, and it was of course one that he had cut himself, and I greatly admired his look. I have been involved in Bespoke Tailoring for over 20 years, and through experience have created a look that I feel comfortable and confident with. At times it is flamboyant, especially when I add accessories, but I don’t think I take as many risks as a true Dandy.  I am lucky in that I have the pick of cloths and fabrics to use for my own style. I am steeped in tailoring history, and that is the reason I am so passionate about style, which in my book always starts with my soft tailoring, which has, and will, stand the test of time.

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