Savile Row to Philadelphia..

Savile Row to Philadelphia..

Yes! You read it right!! P H I L A D E L P H I A ! Hello! ( Waving enthusiastically. )

Its been a long time coming, and some of you will be saying, FINALLY!! We have a deep love affair with New York, that cannot be rocked. We also branched out to Boston, which we admire and were received with open arms. So, we thought…Philadelphia. Would Philadelphia greet us as warmly as Boston? Could Philadelphia make us love her more than New York? I got a feeling that she will welcome us in her own way, Steven albeit is hoping with a hoagie!

We will be starting our October 2016 USA trip in Philadelphia, then New York and finally Boston.

Philadelphia: Thursday 13th to 1pm on Saturday 15th October 2016.  We will be staying at the, Sofitel Philadelphia 120 S 17th St, Philadelphia.

New York: Sunday 16th to 11.30am on Tuesday 18th October 2016.  We will be staying at The Benjamin Hotel. 125 East 50th Street. New York.

Boston: Wednesday 19th October,2016. 8AM to 1PM.  We will be staying atThe Eliot Hotel. 370 Commonwealth Avenue. Boston.

If you would like to arrange an appointment at any of our destinations, or are interested in learning more about Steven Hitchcock Bespoke Tailoring, please contact us via email or call 0207 287 2492. Whilst in the USA Steven can be contacted by email or by his USA cell phone, (1) 646 241 9039.

I look forward to meeting you Philadelphia, and catching up with New York and Boston.

Toodle pip! Celia.

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