15 Oct Fitting in Monday………
We were up early again this morning, this time it was due to our anticipation of the Monday appointments. To steal ourselves we gazed upon the illuminated Empire State building from our suite balcony, dreaming about the best pizza in town we had last night at Luzzo’s. www.luzzosnyc.com
Then came the realisation that perhaps the inlays in our bespoke suits will come in handy! All bespoke garments have inlays left around the seams, so if you do change shape ( too much pizza consumption! ) there is room for expansion! So the investment in bespoke is truly a good one, it wont let you down like your pension!!
We have a jam packed day ahead of us, with fittings galore and order requests to write up. Here is a sneaky peek at one the fittings to be done today. It is an inky navy blue flannel from Hunt and Winterbotham, to be made up in a double breasted blazer. Always a handy thing to have in your wardrobe, to impress the girls with your smart casual!
A hot tip for you all, ALWAYS take your blue and navy cloth samples out to natural light. This is because natural light really makes the blue and navy colour ‘pop’. Artificial light dampens the true hues of the blue and navy’s. So, find yourself a window, balcony or doorstep to peer at your true blues!
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