13 Jul M.T.B.A. Taylor's Summer Ball
When us tailors get together we seem to alway have a great time, (must be the great wines). This year my girlfriend and I were invited to the private dinning room at The Merchant Taylor’s Hall, by Tom Mahon who had brought the charity meal at the winter black tie tailoring dinner earlier this year. Tom and I met while working at Anderson And Sheppard.
Meeting all the old gang was great fun. Now as Tom and Paul live in Carlisle we don’t see so much of each other but its great when we catch up! Myself and Paul worked under the same master tailor, "Patrick Davey" while completing our tailoring apprenticeships at Anderson and Sheppard, so have lots of storys to tell.
The private dinning room and guests.
Paul, me & Tom.
This year was my turn to sponsor the band, who play great Jazz after the meal and late into the night. I am good friends with Greg, who is the saxophonist, so I made him this three piece suit for his bands troubles.
Greg (The Trumpet) Davis.
Karl Mathews showing off with my girlfriend Celia Williams.
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