Welcome to my tailoring blog

Welcome to my tailoring blog

I would like to introduce myself to you. I am a practical tailor who learned the trade with the Savile Row tailors Anderson and Sheppard. I started there straight from school in the year 1990, the first four years as an apprentice coat maker, then five years learning to cut and fit. To my knowledge there has been no one else who has gone through this vigorous training. People have been taught to make coats and others have learned to cut but it is rare to have completed both . I was very pleased in 1995 when Mr Halsey the Managing Director at that time invited me to join the cutting room.

I have followed in my Fathers footsteps in the way I have learned my craft, he joined Andersons when he was 15 years old and was taught his sewing and cutting skills in the traditional way. Today, he is the current Managing Director of Anderson and Sheppard and for me the king Pin of the firm.

When I first started up my own business, I worked from Tailors James and James in Old Burlington Street. I had great times there with Eric James and Yvonne Nichols. Unfortunately the shop was demolished due to the new development in Savile Row and Old Burlington Street.

I have been trading since January 2003 from number 13 New Burlington Street, where I share the very nice premises  of top tailors Denman and Goddard. Peter Day, Frank Byars and David Cook, are the Board of Directors.

Picking a bespoke tailor to suit yourself is not as easy as it might seem. Most tailors in the Row have completely different house styles. You will need to have a look at these before making your mind up. My style prefers a softer shoulder and jacket with a higher cut arm hole, all for comfort and style. This makes for a very unique looking coat.

I would like to point out that I work in our premises every day and am not one of these tailors who travels to London (Savile Row) once a fortnight trying on fittings in someone elses showroom and working from a mobile telephone. If you would like to pop in and see me at work please do so. Nor am I one of the newer tailoring shops that make all their profit from selling ready to wear suits, (not bespoke) and have no practical experience.

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